Curvy Long Sweater Vest FREE Sewing Pattern
This long sweater vest has no buttons or zippers, instead has a long binding, so it is easy to make. It has an A-line shape, so follow the lines of your body.
A long sweater vest makes the eye go up and down on a plus-size body rather than side to side, creating the illusion of the person being taller.
- 2 to 2 1/2 yards of sweater knit fabric 60″ wide
- Thread to match
- Sewing machine with a zigzag stitch
- Sewing machine needle for stretch fabrics
- Serger (ideal, not essential, and it is possible to finish the project just by using a serger)
- Scissors
- Rotary Cutter
- Sewing Machine
- Ruler
- Marking pen or tailor's chalk
You might want to check this Free Shrug Pattern.