Father’s Day FREE Sewing Roundup

Fathers Day FREE Sewing Roundup

Father's Day FREE Sewing Roundup

The Father's Day celebration dates back to at least the Middle Ages as a customary day for the celebration of fatherhood in Europe.

Father's Day was not celebrated in the US, outside Catholic traditions, until the 20th century. As a civic celebration in the US, it was inaugurated in the early 20th century to complement Mother's Day by celebrating fathers and male parenting according to Wikipedia.

In the US, Father's Day was only first observed on July 5, 1908 after Anna Jarvis achieved the recognition of Mother's Day in Grafton, West Virgina earlier that year.

In celebration this year, we put together this fun and free Fathers Day Sewing Roundup filled with interesting projects that every dad would love.  Please enjoy and don't forget to make something special for the Father in your life!

You might want to check this Gardening Tool Bag – a great gift for dads!

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