Surgical Scrub Caps for Frontline Healthcare Workers
Healthcare workers use surgical scrub caps to avoid contaminating the patient during surgery or a medical procedure. However, there is also a secondary reason that is particularly important during these days of trying to stay clear of this virus. For the same reason your hair could potentially contaminate a patient -there's potentially a lot of bacteria and viruses trapped there, you may want to cover your hair when you might be exposed to contaminated environments.
Many readers have been busy making face masks for not only their loved ones, but also to donate to local health care workers. These workers are also likely in need of scrub caps as well so worth considering.
This is a pretty quick project. Most surgical scrub cap projects can be made, start to finish, in only about 15-30 minutes.
Healthcare workers might need this Unisex Scrub Pants, too!
Thank you so much. I have been making masks for all of my friends and family. And now trying to get a small stockpile to donate. We have been blessed here in my small county only 8 COVID-19 cases. No deaths. I figure it is best to be prepared to help. Thank you again for your patterns.
Please no ads. I want to help others and have made masks, think the caps would be useful too