Metal Frame Embroidered Bag FREE Sewing Pattern
Here's a free pattern and tutorial on how to make a metal frame embroidered bag. This is a project for exploration not so much about the bag but more about the possibilities of mixing two media to change the texture of the plain fabric.
I liked how this metal frame embroidered purse turned out. All in all, it was easy and fun to make and I hope it will serve you well as a good-looking introduction to bag making.
Adding your own texture to a plain fabric makes your work so much more appealing and sets it apart from the rest, especially if you are selling your purses at a market. Go ahead and try, please do let me know how it turns out for you.
- 1/2 yard of canvas
- 1/2 yard of lightweight fusible interfacing
- 1/2 yard of piping (Optional)
- 1/2 yard of lightweight fabric for lining
- 1/2 yard of Flex Foam Stabilizer
- 1 20cm metal frame purse
- thread to match the fabric
- embroidery floss DCM 310 or Perle 116-5-310 thread or crochet thread with a little shine
- hand sewing needle
- Iron
- needle threader
- embroidery scissors
- erasable pen or tailors chalk
You might want to check Micro Boston Bag FREE Sewing Pattern.