Pillbox Pouch FREE Sewing Tutorial

Pillbox Pouch FREE Sewing Tutorial

Pillbox Pouch FREE Sewing Tutorial

The Pillbox Pouch has a boxy and flat shape, but don't let its 1” depth fool you… it can hold a lot of stuff! It can fit four full-sized Aurifil thread spools and can also fit over 100 Wonderclips in a Pillbox Pouch!

What you'll need:

  • 2 rectangles of fabric 10” x 9 1/2” for the exterior and lining
  • 1 rectangle of batting, Soft & Stable, or Fusible Fleece for the stabilizer
  • 1 strip of fabric 3” x 8” for the handle and tab
  • 1 strip of light or medium weight fusible interfacing 3” x 8”
  • 4 squares 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” to enclose the zipper ends
  • 1 zipper, 6” or longer
  • SpraynBond or other basting spray (optional)

Take a look at these Clear Vinyl Bag, too!

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