Sew your Own Pig and Piglets


This big pig has a zippered pocket containing six (or more, if you like) little piglets that look just like her! The piglets have Velcro snouts allowing them to ‘nurse' at the matching Velcro dots on Mama Pig's belly. Let her loose in your play pigsty and let your little farmer have at it. Mama is even big and sturdy enough for small children to ride her for a fun change of pace. At the end of a long day of farming, prop your feet on her for a bit of rest.


  • 1 yard of 58/60″ pink fleece
  • 1 spool of coordinating thread
  • Scraps of pink, black, white, and brown felt for eyes, ears, feet, nostrils
  • 1/4 yard (or fat eighth) of quilting-weight cotton or muslin for pocket
  • 10″ pink zipper
  • Black embroidery floss
  • 12″ of pink yarn, cut into six 2″ lengths, for piglet tails
  • 6″ length of Velcro, 5/8″- or 3/4″-wide, cut into 6 circles; or 6 Velcro dots (preferably pink)
  • 3″ of 1/4″-wide elastic for tail
  • Two 12-ounce bags of fiberfill

Check the FREE Pattern and Tutorial HERE

Check this FREE Pattern for Sock Money. This is a perfect gift for your little ones!


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[…] surely love this Pig and Piglets sewing project, […]

Jill Kempf
Jill Kempf

I suspect you could print out the layout page, and take it to Staples and enlarge it on a copier until you get a size you like.


This pattern is for sale for $12 at
Scroll down a little and you should see the Pigs and Piglets Pattern.

Reply to  Samantha

Hi Samantha, thanks for that info. Much appreciated.


I have been trying to get the pattern for the pig ever since I first saw it on the Sewing 4free site. It sounds like it is not available to print out. And I really loved it.

Reply to  Billie

Hi Billie, I think you can download and print but you’re right, it’s not as simple as most patterns we’ve seen. It seems designed to just give you the shapes and you probably have to hand draw it out on pattern paper.


I may be overlooking something, but is there a place that has the actual pattern size that we can print out? There is a layout, but nothing as to what size each piece are. I love this pig, I am a pig person and when I raised pigs for food, I hard a real hard time eating them. My husband would no longer let me feed them after the first one because I turned them into pets. I went hungry many a night.

Reply to  Denise

Hi Denise, that’s a good catch. I can only see the layout pattern as well. I’m not sure the exact sizes are that critical as long as the relative sizes work. You may have to trace it out from the layout keeping the overall size and dimensions in mind. Kind regards, Mayra

Kaaren Lynch
Kaaren Lynch

I’m crazy about that pig and her babies!!

Paula W Leonard
Paula W Leonard

Love this it’s so cute!