Square Dance Daisy Mini Quilt Pattern
If you haven’t started a mini quilt collection, here’s the perfect one to start with. The finished dimension is 8 1/2” x 10 1/2”.
What you'll need:
- 1/4 yd or fat quarter of fabric for the background
- 1/2 yd or fat quarter of fabric for the backing
- small piece of quilt batting
- small pieces of pink, red, and yellow fabric for the Dresden points
- small pieces of blue and green fabric for the patchwork squares
- 1/8 yard solid green fabric for the stem, leaves, and binding
- fusible web (such as HeatnBond lite)
- quilt basting spray (such as SpraynBond)
- spray starch (optional)
You might want to check this Diagonal Strip Quilt Tutorial.
This is real cute and a perfect project for today when I didn’t’ feel like working on a big quilt. Thank you!