Footed Pants FREE Sewing Pattern and Tutorial

Footed Pants FREE Sewing Pattern

Here' a footed pants free sewing pattern in size range 50 (newborn) to 86 (18 months).

Basics will always have a place in your baby's wardrobe and with these cute footies, you can not go wrong. The yoga waist is gentle to the newborn's belly button and you can make sure he/she has warm feet.

The pattern is for knit fabrics. You can sew them on a serger or on a regular sewing machine, using a stretch needle or a zig-zag stitch.

What you'll need:

  1. Fabric with a width of 150/135 cm (60/54 inches)
  2. Serger
  3. Sewing machine
  4. Scissors
  5. Pins

You might want to check this Pajama Gift Sets for all sizes.

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