Sewing Tips: Batting Scraps HACK You’ll Love!

Batting Scraps

Hands up those who hate throwing away perfectly good pieces of batting, just because those are too small for another project. Well, not gonna happen anymore! You might even save yourself another unplanned trip to the crafts store. Check out this smart little batting scraps hack!

Read the tips HERE


Learn the 5 simple blanket stitches that you should know.

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Marlette Louisin
Marlette Louisin

The idea of joining scraps to avoid throwing them away is great. I do like using the triple stitch for this process instead of a regular zigzag.

But, please don’t encourage anyone to sew over pins especially when using anything but a straight stitch.

I know there are sewists out there who’ve done it without any problem. I was one of them until I did hit a pin. The pin bent but the needle broke off at the eye and that little metal piece flew up under my glasses and landed on the edge of my lower eye lid!!
I was very lucky not to have it in my eye. I never sewed over a pin again.
Many people think that nothing will happen to them because they’re careful or sew slow. If you’re going to sew slow why not just remove the pin and be safe?


Hi Marlette, thanks for your comments. You might find this article interesting: