Ultimate Sports Bra Pattern, an essential piece in your workout wardrobe

Sports bra

As most of our readers would know, I'm not a fan of gyms as I explained in my post on creating A New Workout Wardrobe: My New Year Resolution.  But I actually would love to own a sports bra that gives me not only support but comfort.  I think this particular item of clothing is the “unicorn” in our wardrobe.  Almost like a myth, it seems to be a never-ending search for that one bra that will give me comfort while securing the girls during a vigorous workout.  However, look no further….. the Ultimate Sports Bra Pattern does exist –although you may have to make it yourself.

This project is for making a race back sports bra pattern with a front facing for extra comfort and the ability to insert pads.  There's also a 1″ under-chest band for maximum support.



  • Rotary cutter (optional, but highly recommended)
  • Serger/Overlocker (optional)

Check the FREE Pattern and Tutorial HERE


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